I've started reading a book that was recommended by a friend (on her blog). It's about a holistic approach to health- like eating right, exercising, feeding your mind and spirit. It makes sense to me and frankly, I'm really tired of traditional doctors. They are robots- just repeating what they learned in medical school. They treat every person like they're the same- just a combination of symptoms. Maybe my body's 'normal' is different than someone else?
Now, I've had a certain medical struggle for several years. I don't really feel a need to broadcast the details of my medical history on this blog, but just know that overall, I'm healthy and strong. It's just this one thing that's a little out of whack and has been for a long time. I'm worried that if I wait to do something about it, then it might be a much bigger issue later on. I've seen lots of doctors about it as it just always comes up (part of the usual questions they ask). Since I'm not in any pain, they seem to say, 'well, you're not in pain, so not much we can do'. What about preventative medicine? It's annoying.
So, I'm going alternative. I'm going to try some non-evasive, natural remedies. I really have no idea what I'm looking for, but probably something like natural herbs, diet changes, regular exercise, massage therapy, etc. At the very least, it should contribute to my overall well-being. More to come.....
Lindapalooza All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger
*Any reason is good for a massage!
*I have a friend who swears by acupuncture.
I go to a homeopathic doctor for a medical condition. Love her. My regular docs (like yours) just say "well, there isn't much we can do". I was so frustrated so found this doc. Its been a good, good thing.
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